Are you up for a challenge? It’s your choice!
In my last blog posting I wrote about the choices we make, moment by moment, by... well you get the picture. So it occurred to me why not challenge you, (my hopefully loyal readers) much like I do with my coaching clients, to actually track and measure their choices around a specific goal. When we have a specific goal, there are choices we make which either move us closer towards accomplishment of our goals, or further away from (accomplishing them). If we think about it over the course of a day, we might be able to remember when we made a choice that leaned one way or the other. But if we had to assess how well our choices (and respective actions) moved us closer towards or further away from our goal over the course of a week, two weeks, or a month we’d be hard pressed to know just how well we scored. Not only could we not remember about the past day, week, or month, but our lives move at such a fast pace it’s hard to even think about it in the very moment! We need a way to interrupt our unconscious way of behaving and instead, behave in ways with much greater intention and deliberate design.
30 day ‘Be In Choice - Challenge.’
So I’ve come up with a 30 day ‘Be In Choice - Challenge.’ It’s simple in design and execution, but exceptional in results and outcome. You have a choice (go figure!) in how you want to take on the challenge...
Pennies in your pocket...
Get a roll of pennies, put them in a small ziplock bag and keep them handy. Each time you’re about to choose - STOP! Consider the bag of pennies and what choice best serves you reaching your goal. Now make a choice, put a penny in either your left or hopefully your right pocket. The penny goes in the right pocket when your choice and action supports and moves you closer towards achieving your desired goal. The penny goes in your left pocket when your choice/action moves you further away from your desired goal. At the end of the day, take a tally and record your ‘count’ in the scoresheet.
Scoresheet in hand...
Print up the worksheet, fold it so it fits in your pocket. Keep it with you throughout the day. Each time you’re about to choose - STOP! Consider the scoresheet and what choice best serves you reaching your goal. Now make a choice, pull out your scoresheet and keep a tally each day, either on the left side or hopefully on the right. When your choice and action supports and moves you closer towards achieving your desired goal you’ll tally the right side (of the worksheet). When your choice and action moves you further away from your desired goal you’ll tally the left. At the end of the day, take an account of your choices. Download the Score Card here --> Be In Choice - Score Card
End Results...
At the end of the month you will clearly see just how the choices you make and the actions you take either move you closer towards or further away from you desired goals. I hope you’ll be celebrating the success of moving so much closer toward accomplishing your goal (if you didn’t accomplish it completely).
Though Provoking Questions (TPQx2)
What goal are you going to challenge yourself with?
How will you play the game - Pennies in Your Pocket or Scoresheet in Hand?
How would you like your scoresheet to look at the end of the month?
Are there choices you know will be harder to make on a day-to-day basis?
What do you think about the idea to STOP! Then choose! To interrupt your fast paced processing of life?
Will you tell anyone about the challenge you’re taking? What would happen if you did, and you actually shared your results daily, weekly, at the end of the month?
I’d say good luck, but It’s really up to you - it’s your CHOICE!
Live your best life!
Like this Challenge?
Then you will LOVE my TPQx2 Journal! The TPQx2 journal weaves together the idea of how a great quote can inspire us to think and act differently with one of the fundamental components of great coaching: asking powerful questions. Within these pages you'll find five TPQx2, Thought Provoking Quotes and Thought Provoking Questions.
Purchase one today and feel the power of a great quote! See Journal >>

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